Monday, August 25, 2008

Week 1 - Homework- Refrigerator Art Revisited

Seems like I should be a pro at this but I'm still learning. Our could it be I've learned but forgotten. Well, the third time had better be the charm.....

Week one. I played and made some new pictures for the front of the refrigerator. Here is my homework.

The examples shown to the left demonstrate what I learned (again) using paint brush: hardness, rotation, types of brush tips round vs. spikey. The last two examples are the same image, one is saved as jpeg and the other as gif. I can't see any difference at this time. I also resized & cropped most of the images.

The Queen Bee image to the right is created using a spikey twirl brush, giving it a 3D effect - drop shadow and framing it in yellow using buttonize.

That's it for this week. Looking forward to next week.

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